Male - USA
BZPower ( - This site is not fully defunct; it is still online and still has a few dozen active members. It is a child-friendly forum for fans of Lego's Bionicle line (which initially ran from 2001 to 2010, with a reboot that ran from 2015 to 2016). It was founded in 2002 as a merger of two previous Bionicle fansites, BZCommunity (from which it derived its forum component) and KanohiPower (which reported on Bionicle-related news).

I began using the site in 2004, at age 8. It was my introduction to online forums. I attempted fanart and fanfiction; it was awful and fortunately none survives (even on I made a few online friends through it, though I no longer keep in contact with any of them.