Claudia Troncoso
English teacher, translator
Our community, Crepusculo Chile, was founded in 2007 with a forum. Then we created a website with the same forum, a picture gallery and some other information. The Community was based on Twilight books. It is still active on Facebook and other social media platforms ( We were quite “famous” and we had several articles in different magazines and interviews in the local tv news. At its best we achieve to have 10,000 active members, with several sub-clubs in different cities. We used to be invited to avant premieres, book releases and tv shows. It was a huge community.
I used to use “Kya” as a nickname (I dont even know why, haha) but there were a lot nicknames related to the books, such as Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Edward, Jacob… Also a lot of girls used to use their names and the last names of the books (Cullen, Swan, etc.)

I used to be on the community staff, so I remember the other member of the staff, of course, and a lot of girls (the community were formed almost by girls from 13-25, but there were boys too). I have a lot of friends that I first met there. We have a lot of stories together. We met almost 10 years ago, and it is awesome to see how they turn to be long-lasting friends. We started the community when I was 17 and the first movie wasnt even released yet, so we were invited to all the avant premieres. Now I [am] 27 and I have these friends, it’s amazing because we are now in different stages of our lives, we are not teenagers anymore, but we have grown up together. Of course there are some people that disappeared. Also there is a really sad story about a girl that I knew, who was very sick [and] needed a transplant. She died soon after; she was a fervent fanatic and in the funeral the family played the Twilight Soundtrack. It was [heartbreaking].
We were teenagers and didn’t know much about coding or managing a website. We basically learnt it in an autodidactic way. I remember that one time we lost the back-up data of the website and we almost got crazy, we used a FTP Server and our website had a domain and a hosting that we paid annually, it was really advanced! we were kids, not [engineers], but we did it anyway. Thank god we were able to find an old copy of the data and restore it, but we lost a lot of info. Now a days everything is indeed lost, because the community continued only on social media platforms.